Feeling Blue & Not Sure Where to Turn?
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“The best person for the job is you!”
When you’re depressed, it helps to know that there is someone by your side who is caring, compassionate and who understands what you are going through. Guess what? The best person for that job is you!
When you’re feeling down, be compassionate and patient with yourself. Treat yourself gently, as you would a good friend. Give yourself time and space to get through the tough times.
Remember, you have survived hard times before; and, as you treat yourself with TLC, you will get through this rough patch, too.

When you make a heart-felt decision to finish
Something meaningful and, then do it, something
Amazing happens. You feel energized and all the
Worry and fear that you felt in the beginning
Miraculously disappears.
Your mind is free! You no longer feel guilty. The
Burden is gone and you don't beat yourself up for
Avoiding what needed to be done.
In the end, when you finish what you begin,
You're naturally motivated to do more. So, if you
Feel like quitting, keep in mind that wonderful
Feelings are waiting at the end of every
Meaningful task.
Something meaningful and, then do it, something
Amazing happens. You feel energized and all the
Worry and fear that you felt in the beginning
Miraculously disappears.
Your mind is free! You no longer feel guilty. The
Burden is gone and you don't beat yourself up for
Avoiding what needed to be done.
In the end, when you finish what you begin,
You're naturally motivated to do more. So, if you
Feel like quitting, keep in mind that wonderful
Feelings are waiting at the end of every
Meaningful task.

Consider how very far you've come. Think of all the value you've created and all the progress you've made.
Through the minutes and the hours, with all the days, months and years, there is so much you've already done. There can be no doubt that you've made it this far.
Through the minutes and the hours, with all the days, months and years, there is so much you've already done. There can be no doubt that you've made it this far.
Now, you have the opportunity to keep going. Now, you can build upon the positive momentum that you've worked so hard to establish.
You are well experienced at getting things done. Imagine what you can now do with that valuable experience.
Though the challenges may be great, you've proved that you have the strength and ability to move successfully through them all. And as you have already experienced, there are great rewards on the other side of those challenges.
You've done much to get where you are. Now those same skills of achievement will take you wherever you wish to go.
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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