Accept Compliments Gracefully
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“Accept praise.”
Sometimes the hardest thing to hear and to accept is a compliment. We tend to be guarded, possibly because we have been hurt by words in the past. We fight the urge to believe the praise; it simply can’t be true.
The truth is compliments should be embraced and welcomed. They’re an intangible gift, a confirmation of a job well done. Others may see great changes happening to you and they want to let you know. Respond with a smile and a simple “thank you.”
You deserve to be flattered, so accept it, and enjoy it!

When you build a house,
every brick counts.
When you build a character,
every thought counts.
You are what you think.
Love, purity, peace, wisdom - the more you think
of these qualities, the more you will become them.

If you're not overwhelmed with enthusiasm for the goal, make it bigger. Make it so big and so compelling that you cannot avoid thinking about it and working on it day after day.
If you find yourself complaining that it's too difficult, the real problem could be that it's not meaningful enough. You can change that.
If you find yourself complaining that it's too difficult, the real problem could be that it's not meaningful enough. You can change that.
Everything you do requires effort and some level of commitment. So make that effort and commitment count for something that's truly important to you.
Set your sights on an objective that will positively pull you toward it. Choose something that will keep you excited and enthusiastic and focused on achievement.
Give your life and your efforts a clear, solid, meaningful direction. Give yourself a compelling reason to persist through every challenge.
Envision a goal so valuable and desirable that you cannot help but work toward it every day. And be truly amazed at what you can achieve.
Ralph Marston

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