Maintain Confidence in Uncertain Times
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“Confidence comes from your internal power plant.”
Confidence is a strong, powerful force. When it is part of your heart, you have the ability to conquer any obstacles life may throw at you.
Undoubtedly, situations will come up where you may feel uncertain or less confident. Don’t let doubtful feelings stop you. It’s up to you and nobody else to keep going in times of uncertainty.
There is a saying, “Fake it till you make it.” You can pretend to be what you want to be until you grow into it. Try it. It’s what a lot of successful people admit to doing when they are unsure.
It doesn’t take long before the power of your confidence resurfaces and you’re back on track to achieving your goals

Rise above it
Often, the people you encounter can be petty and unreasonable to the point that life becomes very frustrating. Seek to rise above it. Refuse to let it get to you. Honor your commitments, do as you said you would, be polite, be helpful, and don't allow yourself to get drawn into someone else's small-mindedness. If you react with anger or spite, then they have succeeded in pulling you into their petty world. Instead, respond with all the integrity you can muster. Be confident -- but not arrogant -- that what you are doing is the right thing. Be confident enough to set the agenda. Have the strength to not let the little, small-minded things get to you. Your time and your life are more valuable than that.
Often, the people you encounter can be petty and unreasonable to the point that life becomes very frustrating. Seek to rise above it. Refuse to let it get to you. Honor your commitments, do as you said you would, be polite, be helpful, and don't allow yourself to get drawn into someone else's small-mindedness. If you react with anger or spite, then they have succeeded in pulling you into their petty world. Instead, respond with all the integrity you can muster. Be confident -- but not arrogant -- that what you are doing is the right thing. Be confident enough to set the agenda. Have the strength to not let the little, small-minded things get to you. Your time and your life are more valuable than that.
Defend yourself, yes. But without being defensive. Claim the high ground. Take the initiative to focus on substance instead of triviality, on possibilities instead of condemnation. Think like a winner. Act like a winner. Rise above the squabbling and put your energy to use making a real difference.

Today, you are committed to something. What is it?
Are you committed to just getting by, to just getting through the day with as little effort as possible? Or are you committed to something greater, something magnificent and exciting and fulfilling?
Are you committed to just getting by, to just getting through the day with as little effort as possible? Or are you committed to something greater, something magnificent and exciting and fulfilling?
Whatever you're truly committed to, is exactly what you'll achieve. Whatever you're truly committed to, determines the kind of life that you lead.
Within you is a vision that longs to be brought to life. It's a vision that deserves your full commitment.
Commitment to your most profound vision is not easy, and will ask much of you. Yet you know it is the best choice.
Make that choice, make that commitment to the best that's within you, again and again, each moment of each day. And the life you create, your own life, will be nothing short of outstanding.
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
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" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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