Start the World Over with This
by Jane Powel
by Jane Powel
Optimistic people have it good; they’re less susceptible to ill health and better able to fight off ailments if they strike.
Given that stress and unhappiness can have a negative impact on your health, it stands to reason that happiness resulting from an optimistic attitude stands you in good stead.
Instead of looking at the black clouds above, think about the blue sky beyond them. Instead of seeing a mountain with an impossible climb, imagine yourself already standing on the summit. In the same way you exercise to build physical strength, keep exercising optimism to strengthen it.
Today is your day to start the world over. So, make it a healthy one!

You are the critical link between
What is possible and what is real.
With your actions, you can bring
To life the best of what can be.
Life is awash with great and
Wonderful possibilities. Yet
Possibilities alone are not enough.
Someone has to follow those great
Possibilities, and work at them,
And breathe meaningful life into them.
In your world, that someone is you.
Celebrate your good fortune of
Being connected to life’s best
Possibilities. And even as you
Celebrate, get to work doing
What must be done to make
Those possibilities happen.
The possibilities are so valuable
Precisely because of what you
Can do with them. So by all means,
Do with them what you know you can do.
For it is in choosing your own unique
Possibilities and making them real,
That you experience true fulfillment.
Get up, get going, and enjoy that
Fulfillment in great abundance.
What is possible and what is real.
With your actions, you can bring
To life the best of what can be.
Life is awash with great and
Wonderful possibilities. Yet
Possibilities alone are not enough.
Someone has to follow those great
Possibilities, and work at them,
And breathe meaningful life into them.
In your world, that someone is you.
Celebrate your good fortune of
Being connected to life’s best
Possibilities. And even as you
Celebrate, get to work doing
What must be done to make
Those possibilities happen.
The possibilities are so valuable
Precisely because of what you
Can do with them. So by all means,
Do with them what you know you can do.
For it is in choosing your own unique
Possibilities and making them real,
That you experience true fulfillment.
Get up, get going, and enjoy that
Fulfillment in great abundance.

Choose to be happy
If you chase happiness, it will run away faster than you can catch up with it. Why is that?
If you chase happiness, it will run away faster than you can catch up with it. Why is that?
Because when you strive to create happiness, that very act of striving pushes the happiness away. The more you want it, the less you have of it.
Happiness is not something you can go out and get. Real happiness does not have to depend on creating a certain set of circumstances.
Happiness is a way you can choose to be. And you can simply choose it at any time, in any circumstance.
When you do, you instantly become more creative and effective, more authentic and fully alive. Living from a perspective of happiness, you’re able to live at your best because you see positive value everywhere you look.
Stop striving to get happiness and just choose to be happy, right where you are. Give your happiness to life, and watch as its positive power fills your world.
Ralph Marston
" Morning Coffee"
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