Empower Yourself
Old medicines, stacks of books, clothes you never wear, Christmas cards from last year, piles of papers, towers of magazines and drawers full of who knows what. It’s called clutter, and the more it collects the less you want to deal with it.
Clutter can overwhelm you and drain your energy.
Eliminating clutter is healthy. No longer do you pour energy into looking through papers for that one lost item. No more do you ignore anxiety about piles that disguise forgotten responsibilities. No hours of frustration are added to your preparation for the day, as you pull wrinkled clothes from your closet because they’re wedged too tightly.
Suddenly, you’re in control! You know where to find things and you’re proud of your space.
Start clearing out your clutter today. Start small, by clearing out one drawer, one cabinet, or one shelf. You won’t feel overwhelmed and the results will give you the motivation to tackle the next pile.
Organization is a gift that you deserve. Give it to yourself, and get your power back!
Clutter can overwhelm you and drain your energy.
Eliminating clutter is healthy. No longer do you pour energy into looking through papers for that one lost item. No more do you ignore anxiety about piles that disguise forgotten responsibilities. No hours of frustration are added to your preparation for the day, as you pull wrinkled clothes from your closet because they’re wedged too tightly.
Suddenly, you’re in control! You know where to find things and you’re proud of your space.
Start clearing out your clutter today. Start small, by clearing out one drawer, one cabinet, or one shelf. You won’t feel overwhelmed and the results will give you the motivation to tackle the next pile.
Organization is a gift that you deserve. Give it to yourself, and get your power back!

When you trust your assertiveness, you have the
Ability to express yourself and the ability to
Communicate your feelings, wants and needs. You are
Less dependent on others and more in control of your
Own life.
When you assert yourself, you make your own
Choices. You make room for your confidence to
Explode. Practice confident assertion by saying,
"Yes" to the things you want to do and, "No" to the
Things you don't.
Don't be afraid or feel guilty for asserting yourself.
You have nothing to lose. You will only become
Stronger and more self sufficient, and in turn your
Self respect and self worth will shine!
Ability to express yourself and the ability to
Communicate your feelings, wants and needs. You are
Less dependent on others and more in control of your
Own life.
When you assert yourself, you make your own
Choices. You make room for your confidence to
Explode. Practice confident assertion by saying,
"Yes" to the things you want to do and, "No" to the
Things you don't.
Don't be afraid or feel guilty for asserting yourself.
You have nothing to lose. You will only become
Stronger and more self sufficient, and in turn your
Self respect and self worth will shine!

Beyond reason
It’s completely reasonable to get discouraged when things are not going your way. And yet, as reasonable as it may be, getting discouraged and staying discouraged won’t do you any good.
It’s completely reasonable to get discouraged when things are not going your way. And yet, as reasonable as it may be, getting discouraged and staying discouraged won’t do you any good.
Fortunately, you don’t always have to be reasonable. You can choose to meet every setback not with discouragement, but with hope and positive passion and enthusiasm for moving forward.
There’s always a next step that you can take, so take it. Sure, that next step may not work out, and yet it is infinitely better than giving up.
Life’s greatest successes will often defy reason.
Even when there is no logical, reasonable way, there is a way.
Your mind and its reasoning ability are amazingly powerful.
And yet, there is more to life than just reason.
When you must, go beyond reason and feel the positive driving passion of your purpose. Feel the passion, persist through every challenge, and bring your dream to life.
Ralph Marston
" Morning Coffee"
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" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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Copyright © 1996 -2011
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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