Are you chasing happiness?
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“Happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want.”
At first glance this sounds like the same thing, take a closer look, it’s not.
If you’re completely fulfilled by spending time with your friends and family because you really want to be with them then you truly want what you have.
On the flip side, if you drive the nicest car and have a huge house, and have worked hard to get those things, then you’ve been successful at having what you want.
When you have what you want eventually the feeling of satisfaction wears off. Once you get what you want the old wants are replaced by new wants and the cycle continues. True happiness remains at bay.
Look around you, happiness may be closer than you think. It may just be a matter of changing what you value.

When the magic begins
You're only a moment away from being more positive and
Effective than you've ever been. You're only a moment away
From living life at its highest level.
The only thing holding you back is your choice to keep
Yourself back. That's a choice you can change right now.
You've gone long enough evading and avoiding your best
Possibilities. Now it's time to accept that you're
Absolutely worthy of the rich, fulfilling life you truly
That life can begin to be yours right now. That life can
Start the moment you decide to stop hiding from the unique
Beauty of who you truly are.
Yes, it will take effort, determination, faith, commitment
And discipline. And every moment of it will be infused with
The irreplaceable joy of knowing you're being true to your
Own highest destiny.
Go ahead, from where you are, with what you have, and choose
To be an active participant in the unfolding of your best
Possibilities. This is your life, this is your day, and this
Is when the magic begins.
You're only a moment away from being more positive and
Effective than you've ever been. You're only a moment away
From living life at its highest level.
The only thing holding you back is your choice to keep
Yourself back. That's a choice you can change right now.
You've gone long enough evading and avoiding your best
Possibilities. Now it's time to accept that you're
Absolutely worthy of the rich, fulfilling life you truly
That life can begin to be yours right now. That life can
Start the moment you decide to stop hiding from the unique
Beauty of who you truly are.
Yes, it will take effort, determination, faith, commitment
And discipline. And every moment of it will be infused with
The irreplaceable joy of knowing you're being true to your
Own highest destiny.
Go ahead, from where you are, with what you have, and choose
To be an active participant in the unfolding of your best
Possibilities. This is your life, this is your day, and this
Is when the magic begins.

Beyond comfort
It can be easy to become comfortable, and that comfort can then become a trap. Though comfort feels nice, it can also hold you back from being your best.
It can be easy to become comfortable, and that comfort can then become a trap. Though comfort feels nice, it can also hold you back from being your best.
After a while, as good as it can feel, comfort will become stale and tedious. You have a fundamental need for growth that, sooner or later, must be fulfilled.
Instead of using the comfort you’ve achieved as a refuge from life, use it as a platform from which you will have the confidence to reach even higher. When you’re feeling comfortable, see it as an opportunity to raise your standards.
No matter what level you’ve reached, you are always capable of reaching even higher. What a shame it would be to miss out on life’s biggest opportunities just because you wanted to stay comfortable.
Think back on all the times in your life when you’ve made the greatest progress. Although those times very likely felt uncomfortable, look at all the wonderful and valuable things you accomplished.
Enjoy the comfort you’ve earned, and then step boldly beyond that comfort. For there’s no end to the real value and joy that you can create.
Ralph Marston

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