Bounce Back from Tough Times
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“A lesson from the lawn.”
Imagine if a blade of grass decided it had had enough. It was done with having its head snipped off every weekend and its seeds – its future – cut off in their prime. Who could blame it?
Yet, what does that ol’ blade of grass do? It doesn’t say: “I give up! I’m getting nowhere!” It just keeps on growing. It continually takes in the energy from the sunlight and magically converts carbon dioxide from the air into food to make more leaves and more seeds.
A blade of grass is resilient.
You too, can learn to be as resilient as the grass. You may be cut down on a regular basis, yet your strength is in standing up, dusting yourself off, and starting all over again. Even when grass is covered in concrete, it finds a way to grow up through the cracks.
And, so must you.
Take a “leaf” out of the grass’ book. Connect with your own resilience and keep on growing.

Be Tolerant
You have the power to tolerate
anyone and any situation.
But tolerance is not just suffering
in silence. It means going beyond any
personal discomfort you may feel,
and giving a gift to whom ever you
would tolerate. Give your time,
attention, understanding,
compassion, care - all are gifts,
which paradoxically, you also receive
in the process of giving. And, as you do,
you will experience your own
self esteem and inner strength grow.
In this way you can turn tolerance into strength.

Even when the pain is great, the goodness in your life is greater. Feel that goodness, wrap your awareness around it, and act on it.
Even when the pain is great, the goodness in your life is greater. Feel that goodness, wrap your awareness around it, and act on it.
You have always known what joy feels like, and you can always allow that joy to flow out through your life. Each joy lives again, even more intensely, every time it is recalled.
Gently let go of the beliefs that you need this thing or that situation. Your spirit is always free to soar without limit, no matter what.
And when it does, when you allow the joy, when you celebrate the goodness, you bring real value to all that is around you. Instead of pretending that your troubles are an excuse to back down, see that they’re actually an opportunity to enrich your life.
Every beauty exists solely because you see it as such. Choose to see the beauty woven through all that is.
The love in your life is greater than anything that might seem to bring you down. Allow that love to carry you forward no matter what.
Ralph Marston

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