I Made a Mistake. Now What?
We all make mistakes. It’s a fact of life. What matters is what you do afterward.
You have a choice. You can let your mistake torment you, embarrass you, and hold you back. Or, you can admit you made a mistake, learn from it, and move on.
Mistakes are lessons in disguise. You can learn something from each and every one. Next time you make a mistake, act quickly and decisively. Take responsibility and look for the lesson. Use the lesson to reach greater success and good fortune in your life.
Learn from your mistakes. Only then can they empower you to greater heights.

When you trust your assertiveness, you have the ability to express yourself and the ability to communicate your feelings, wants and needs.
You are less dependent on others and more in control of your own life.
When you assert yourself, you make your own choices.
You make room for your confidence to explode.
Practice confident assertion by saying, "Yes" to the things you want to do and,
"No" to the things you don't.
Don't be afraid or feel guilty for asserting yourself.
You have nothing to lose. You will only become stronger and more self sufficient, and in turn your self respect and self worth will shine!

Expect more
This is already a wonderful day. Expect it to get even better.
This is already a wonderful day. Expect it to get even better.
There are many interesting and useful things you already know. Expect to learn even more.
You’ve successfully navigated through every past challenge. Expect to reap even greater success from the challenges you now face.
You’ve successfully navigated through every past challenge. Expect to reap even greater success from the challenges you now face.
There is already great value in your life and in your world. Expect to create even more.
As good as life is, you can make it even richer and more fulfilling. Expect to move forward today and you’ll find a way, no matter what, to make real progress.
If you knew without a doubt that you would get what you expect, what would you expect? Truly expect the best of today and you’ll find those expectations leading you steadily forward.
Ralph Marston
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
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" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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Copyright © 1996 -2011
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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