A Crucial Lesson Often Forgotten
by Jane Powell
“Grow-up and laugh at yourself!”
When you were young, the worst thing that could happen was the ridicule of others. Looking back, you can recall the embarrassment and humiliation of being laughed at. And, God forbid that you made fun of yourself. It didn’t happen.
But, as we grow older, we gradually learn that laughing at ourselves is okay. This is an important lesson. A lesson that, all too often, we forget to live.
Next time something doesn’t go your way or you do something you regret, no matter how upset you feel, say to yourself, “In time, I will laugh at this.”
You don’t always have to wait for time to pass. Decide to laugh about it right then and there. Laughing puts things in perspective and chases embarrassment away. So, laugh at yourself, today!

Start telling a better-feeling story about the things that are
important to you.
You are so much more powerful than you give yourself credit for.
Even if it occurs subconsciously, you are fashioning your life to support
the image of who you think you are. If you see yourself as a helpless victim,
you will attract events and scenarios to support the story of "Poor me, why
does this always happen in my life?"
It happens because you create it. The universe is simply doing its job of
giving you what you say you want. Maybe on the unconscious level, you
enjoy the negative attention that being a victim brings, and if you convince
the universe that you are a victim, the universe will deliver. Isn't that a good
enough reason to change your negative, self-defeating thoughts into those that
exude power and possibility? Let that victim role go, and start thinking of
yourself as a magnificent, powerful, and courageous being. Then sit back and
enjoy the gifts that shower on you. These new, fresh experiences
will reflect your healthy, empowered vision of yourself.
Thanks Marcella

Stay determined
Even while life throws you frustration and disappointment, you can quietly and steadily achieve. Even when you cannot make a lot of progress, you can make a little progress.
Even while life throws you frustration and disappointment, you can quietly and steadily achieve. Even when you cannot make a lot of progress, you can make a little progress.
That small progress adds up, day after day. Soon it becomes much more
valuable than anything you could accomplish in a single
Sure, some things can be accomplished in a burst of determined effort. However, the most valuable achievements take time, with one small, yet effective action after another.
Sure, some things can be accomplished in a burst of determined effort. However, the most valuable achievements take time, with one small, yet effective action after another.
Determination is a powerful force that can compel you in an
intimately meaningful way to take action. And determination becomes much
more powerful when you’re able to spread it over long periods of time.
The longer you can maintain your determination, the higher the level
of achievement you’ll be able to reach. It’s great to be determined, and
even more powerful when you can stay determined.
Keep your determination alive and growing by reminding yourself again and again of why it’s important to you. Keep your actions coming by continuing to fuel them with the power of positive determination.
Ralph Marston
Keep your determination alive and growing by reminding yourself again and again of why it’s important to you. Keep your actions coming by continuing to fuel them with the power of positive determination.
Ralph Marston

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