Thursday, October 7, 2010

Make the Change You Crave

Make the Change You Crave
by Jane Powell
“What are you telling yourself?”

Positive self-talk is not about telling yourself that bad things in your life don’t exist or have not happened. It’s not about telling yourself life will be easy if you think the right thoughts. Self-talk is about self-awareness and recognizing how your thoughts affect how you feel and ultimately what you accomplish.

Your thoughts are your self-talk. And, they directly affect the way you feel. Since your feelings dictate your actions, it’s important to take notice of the chain of thoughts and events in your life.

This new  found awareness holds the key to making the changes you crave come to pass.

"The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It  is to be useful,
To be honorable,
to be compassionate,
to have it make some Difference that you have lived and lived well."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you stuck trying to figure out how to get started?
Stop over-thinking the situation and start doing something about it.
The first step will show you what the next step must be.
Take action, and whether it brings the desired result or not,
it will definitely bring you more insight into how to proceed next.
Plan your approach, but don't let the planning stop you from doing.
Taking action will give you the most realistic perspective.

If you're not sure which way to go, pick one way and find out what happens.
You'll know soon enough, and will be able to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Don't waste time agonizing over what might or might not work.
Instead, invest your time in effort that will enable you to know exactly what works.

Get busy, get going, and get to work on making it happen.
Start doing your dream, and step by step you'll find the way to its fulfillment.

Ralph Marston

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