Bust Out of Your Rut
by Jane Powell
“Change is a good thing- really.”
It’s easy to get into ruts, and some of them are so deep rooted we don’t give them a second thought. If we’re honest though, we’ll realize that much of what we routinely do works against our goals.
You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge, so today, try to examine of some of your routines that might be sabotaging your ambitions. Do you have any?
Over the next week, pay attention to things you do automatically. Then, in each situation, figure out ways you can fine-tune your routines to make them a little more goal oriented.
For example, if you have been trying to fit exercise into your day, instead of hanging out in the lunch room, use your break to walk with a friend. If you’re trying to save money and you have a habit of stopping at Starbucks, why not bring a thermos of coffee to work instead?
Sure, it won’t be easy at first, but with a little tweaking here and there, you really can find ways to change your routine to help you meet your goals. And that’s a good thing.
by Jane Powell
“Change is a good thing- really.”
It’s easy to get into ruts, and some of them are so deep rooted we don’t give them a second thought. If we’re honest though, we’ll realize that much of what we routinely do works against our goals.
You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge, so today, try to examine of some of your routines that might be sabotaging your ambitions. Do you have any?
Over the next week, pay attention to things you do automatically. Then, in each situation, figure out ways you can fine-tune your routines to make them a little more goal oriented.
For example, if you have been trying to fit exercise into your day, instead of hanging out in the lunch room, use your break to walk with a friend. If you’re trying to save money and you have a habit of stopping at Starbucks, why not bring a thermos of coffee to work instead?
Sure, it won’t be easy at first, but with a little tweaking here and there, you really can find ways to change your routine to help you meet your goals. And that’s a good thing.

Just imagine all the great things you could do if your were calm, peaceful, and relaxed while at the same time being highly determined and persistent. Though we often think of determination as stressful, anxious, hard-edged and even painful, it does not have to be. In fact, calm determination is every bit as effective as frenzied determination -- in most cases even more effective. And it is a whole lot more enjoyable.
With calm determination you don't get drawn into a lot of useless battles. With calm determination you don't waste time and energy falling to pieces after every setback. With calm determination you simply pick yourself up and get moving again, steadily toward the goal you have chosen. You'd don't have to be witty or clever, you don't have to have the right connections, you just have to keep going, and anyone can do that.
There's no need to give up your serenity for the sake of determination, or to give up your ambitions for the sake of serenity. The most powerful, effective determination is calm, peaceful, relaxed determination, for it is also the most genuinely confident kind of determination.
When you're following a purpose that you know is yours, enjoy the journey and bring power to your efforts. See the big picture, move ahead with calm, relaxed determination, and you'll find it to be an irresistible force.
With calm determination you don't get drawn into a lot of useless battles. With calm determination you don't waste time and energy falling to pieces after every setback. With calm determination you simply pick yourself up and get moving again, steadily toward the goal you have chosen. You'd don't have to be witty or clever, you don't have to have the right connections, you just have to keep going, and anyone can do that.
There's no need to give up your serenity for the sake of determination, or to give up your ambitions for the sake of serenity. The most powerful, effective determination is calm, peaceful, relaxed determination, for it is also the most genuinely confident kind of determination.
When you're following a purpose that you know is yours, enjoy the journey and bring power to your efforts. See the big picture, move ahead with calm, relaxed determination, and you'll find it to be an irresistible force.

Celebrate your achievements, no matter what their size. Feel how great it feels to take focused, disciplined action and to make something happen.
Use each small success as motivation to create more success. Be so truly thankful for what you've done that you are compelled to do much more.
Use each small success as motivation to create more success. Be so truly thankful for what you've done that you are compelled to do much more.
It feels so good to know you've made a difference. Get yourself addicted to that feeling.
Get yourself hooked on positive, meaningful success by treasuring and valuing and celebrating every accomplishment. The more thankful you are for what you've done, the more motivated you'll be to do it again.
Let yourself feel great about it, and enjoy that delightful feeling. You'll be well on your way to making it happen again and again.
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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