For the FUN of it!
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“Take time out for fun!”
When you were a child, you didn’t look for a purpose in everything you did. You didn’t run across a field, sink your teeth into a juicy orange or jump high with a ball because it was good for you. You did it for the sheer, glorious fun of it!
Release your inner child. Take time to play in the park, laugh with friends, visit a fair, walk barefoot on a beach…just for fun. If it makes you feel happy, that’s all the reason you need. And, have fun!

A snooty millionaire took some of his upper class friends yachting.
They passed a deserted island where a man with a long beard and
tattered clothes stood, waving his arms and screaming in their
They passed a deserted island where a man with a long beard and
tattered clothes stood, waving his arms and screaming in their
"Who is that?" asked the friend.
"I don't know," said the host, "but every time we sail by he goes
That may be an exception to a universal rule, which is that most
people are happy to help if they can. But there is another universal
principle in play, which is, unless you are stranded on a deserted
island, you are probably reluctant to ask for help - especially from
a stranger. Thankfully, most of the time we are not coping with a
mayday emergency.
people are happy to help if they can. But there is another universal
principle in play, which is, unless you are stranded on a deserted
island, you are probably reluctant to ask for help - especially from
a stranger. Thankfully, most of the time we are not coping with a
mayday emergency.
I recently learned that the word "mayday" has nothing to do with the
month of May. Instead, it comes from the French word "m'aidez,"
which means "help me." But it is used only as a last resort. The
plane is nose-diving. The ship is fatally wounded. "Mayday! Mayday!
Mayday!" a voice screams over the radio. If help doesn't arrive
quickly, all will be lost.
month of May. Instead, it comes from the French word "m'aidez,"
which means "help me." But it is used only as a last resort. The
plane is nose-diving. The ship is fatally wounded. "Mayday! Mayday!
Mayday!" a voice screams over the radio. If help doesn't arrive
quickly, all will be lost.
We laugh at the notion that men are famously bad about asking for
directions. But, in truth, most people do not easily ask for the
help they need. They wait until they are hopelessly lost, or the
marriage is on the brink of collapse or a simple job has become a
nightmare before they seek help.
directions. But, in truth, most people do not easily ask for the
help they need. They wait until they are hopelessly lost, or the
marriage is on the brink of collapse or a simple job has become a
nightmare before they seek help.
And it is also true that help is not usually too hard to get. But we
have to ASK for it.
have to ASK for it.
Entrepreneur Brian Tracy puts it well: "Ask for what you want. Ask
for help, ask for input, ask for advice and ideas -- but never be
afraid to ask." Or like one man is fond of saying, "You don't always
get what you ask for, but you never get what you don't ask for
(unless it's contagious)."
for help, ask for input, ask for advice and ideas -- but never be
afraid to ask." Or like one man is fond of saying, "You don't always
get what you ask for, but you never get what you don't ask for
(unless it's contagious)."
I once heard of a little girl who confidently approached a police
officer. "Are you a cop?" she asked.
officer. "Are you a cop?" she asked.
"My mommy said that if I ever needed help I could ask you."
"Of course you can," the officer replied. "What do you need?"
She stuck out her foot. "Can you please tie my shoe?"
Do you need help? It may be easier to get than you think. Just ask
for it.
for it.
Steve Goodier

Dare to say what you truly think. Dare to express what you really feel.
Preventing yourself from being yourself causes stress, anxiety, frustration and resentment. Give yourself permission to be uniquely beautiful and uninhibited in your living of life.
Preventing yourself from being yourself causes stress, anxiety, frustration and resentment. Give yourself permission to be uniquely beautiful and uninhibited in your living of life.
Dare to attempt things you've never done before. Every well-honed skill you have, was once a new experience.
Dare to question your beliefs. For that is how you make them strong.
Open yourself to the possibility of failure. The fact that success is never a sure thing is what makes it so worth having.
Dare to imagine, and then to intently build that which you've imagined. Dare to dream, and to live that dream with passion and purpose in every moment.
Ralph Marston
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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