Get the Break You Deserve
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“Today…delegate everything you possibly can to others.”
As women, we often try to do everything. For some, it’s wrapped up in self-esteem. Some believe that the more we do, the worthier we are of love and respect. For others, it’s a matter of control. Whatever the reason, the result is that many women end up juggling an impossible number of balls!
Vow to change today. Entrust your children with responsibilities; let family or colleagues take over joint challenges. .
They’ll appreciate the confidence you have in them – and you’ll get a well-earned break!

“It’s a new day and a new attitude.”
When you throw things away you can expect feelings of guilt to creep in. Why? Because you wonder if you’re making a mistake – God forbid you may need it later. The truth is, you’re not making a mistake and secondly you can rest assured you won’t throw away anything that is essential in your life.
Remember that you are in the process of adopting a new attitude. You don’t need clutter in your life. Clutter is a prison wall, an iron fence, a ball and chain, blocking you from the energy you need and that you so much deserve.
It’s a new day and the perfect time to set sail with a new attitude. “Clutter Free Forever” is your new mantra.

Go back
Sometimes the best way to move forward is to go back. Go back, into the experience of your life, and remind yourself why.
Sometimes the best way to move forward is to go back. Go back, into the experience of your life, and remind yourself why.
Go back and remember why you’re where you are, why you’re doing whatever you’re doing. Go back and remember what truly matters to you.
In your mind, go back to a time and a place when life felt positively magical. Realize that the magical feeling is still very much a part of you.
See that now, too, is magical. Understand that your best possibilities are with you even now.
Go back and appreciate all the good things you have ever had. From a deep and profound sense of gratitude, know that in this very time is the potential for more joy than ever before.
Go back, and see that all the goodness that ever was, still is. Now, carry all that goodness with you as you continue to move positively forward.
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
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" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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