Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Know What Your Future Holds


Know What Your Future Holds

by Jane Powell
“Focus on your future instead of on what you missed.”
It’s important to look back on past successes but it’s even more important to use your vision to look ahead.
When we spend too much time looking back at past events, we get caught up in the “woulda, shoulda, coulda” mental talk. Learn from your past, then let it go.
Focus your imagination on your future. When you send these good thoughts out in front of you, they prepare and smooth the way. Use your imagination to reel in all the possibilities that lie ahead.
Picture your ultimate success and then get to work creating it. When you take the giant step and dare to believe, your dreams will come true.


Promise yourself a life filled with love
You are the only one who really knows what you want from life and if you're on the right road for you. You are the only one who can fulfill your dreams and receive the joys and happiness that come from reaching those aspirations and goals.
Don't expect others to be responsible for your happiness and your success. You must take control and be in charge of your destiny and day-to-day situations. Take advice (most of the time it's free) and listen to what others have to say and what concerns they have; it's important to have different points of view. But always validate those words of wisdom with your own set of standards and make sure that the advice has meaning to your sense of reality.
You must understand yourself enough to know what you want in life and what desires you believe are worthwhile for your future. You need to depend upon yourself and your talents. Appreciate others for their personal skills and abilities, but always continue to focus on your own strengths and energies. Life is much too short to spend it worrying about someone else's accomplishments or expecting someone else to be responsible for making your life better.
If you have dreams, then you have a purpose. You have something to believe in and work towards obtaining. Dedicate yourself to yourself. Promise yourself a life filled with love, and then whatever roads you travel will be the roads you want them to be.


Invitation to joy

Life is constantly inviting you to experience new joy. Choose to accept more of those invitations.

You work hard to be able to live your life in the way you choose. So make sure you truly live it.

Even when you are hard at work, live with a playful and joyous attitude. Even when the situation is exceedingly serious, don’t take yourself too seriously.

Give your spirit just as much nourishment as you give your body and your mind. Every richness you’ll ever experience is connected to the beauty inside you.

It’s easy to make the excuse that you’re too busy, because you probably are. Remember though, that there’s much more to life than just keeping yourself productively occupied.

A new and unexpected joy can revive your spirit, and make everything you do more effective. When you follow your heart, your mind will soon come to thank you.

Ralph Marston


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