When enthusiasm strikes, you know because you
Want to jump up and down and scream with
Happiness. It's a moment when your heart soars
Because you have just felt or done something that
Inspires you deep within.
Enthusiasm is where your body screams with
Excitement and you hear that "Yes !" from deep
Inside. It's one of the best feelings in the world.
Today, no matter what your rational mind says look
And listen for places, events, ideas, people and
Activities that make your heart shout a loud "Yes!"
Next, spend some time deciding how to bring more of
Those into your life.
Make a commitment to yourself to do the things you
Need to do to live a more enthusiastic life. When
You're enthusiastic you look forward to each and
Every day. And, that is what makes life so fun!
Want to jump up and down and scream with
Happiness. It's a moment when your heart soars
Because you have just felt or done something that
Inspires you deep within.
Enthusiasm is where your body screams with
Excitement and you hear that "Yes !" from deep
Inside. It's one of the best feelings in the world.
Today, no matter what your rational mind says look
And listen for places, events, ideas, people and
Activities that make your heart shout a loud "Yes!"
Next, spend some time deciding how to bring more of
Those into your life.
Make a commitment to yourself to do the things you
Need to do to live a more enthusiastic life. When
You're enthusiastic you look forward to each and
Every day. And, that is what makes life so fun!

The Secret of Happiness
The secret of happiness is to be free of fear.
Fear is like a toxin that runs through
much of our thinking. It feeds on
insecurity, feeling of loss, loneliness,
inadequacy and attachment. You are loveable
and loving. Accept this as Truth.
Appreciate and care for yourself - truly,
deeply, intensely, in a way that
reflects your real value. Then
you will automatically have the same regards
for all other living beings and things.
Fear is like a toxin that runs through
much of our thinking. It feeds on
insecurity, feeling of loss, loneliness,
inadequacy and attachment. You are loveable
and loving. Accept this as Truth.
Appreciate and care for yourself - truly,
deeply, intensely, in a way that
reflects your real value. Then
you will automatically have the same regards
for all other living beings and things.

Chosen feelings
The situation does not create the feeling. You create whatever feeling you wish to feel in each particular situation.
Why are some people happy and other people sad in the same circumstance? Because that is how they have chosen to be.
The situation does not create the feeling. You create whatever feeling you wish to feel in each particular situation.
Why are some people happy and other people sad in the same circumstance? Because that is how they have chosen to be.
When you respond the same way often enough it becomes a habit that you follow without even thinking. In this way your feelings come to seem automatic, even though they never have to be.
The way you feel was at some point a conscious choice. And you can choose to change, or let go of, or expand what you feel, or to create an entirely new feeling.
The connection between the moment and the feeling is made by you. Always, you can feel the feelings that serve you best, the ones that pull you toward true and magnificent fulfillment.
Your feelings profoundly influence the life you experience, and those feelings are yours to choose in any moment. Choose the ones that give real power to the purpose that lives within you.
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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