Free Yourself from People Pleasing
by Jane Powell
by Jane Powell
“Give yourself permission to say, ‘No.’”
As young girls, many of us were taught to always try to please people. We were told it was important to be seen as nice and non-confrontational. As a result, we went out of our way to do things that people wanted. We became people pleasers, afraid to rock the boat.
Is this still your mantra?
Recognize and appreciate that you have a right to do what’s right for you. There is no need to always feel obligated to please others, at your expense.
If a friend asks you do something when you have other priorities, say “No.” If the school asks you to volunteer when you’d rather enjoy lunch with friends, say “No.”
Don’t feel obligated to offer an excuse. Give yourself permission to say, “No!” Because a balanced life includes pleasing yourself, as well as others.

To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent
to win the respect of intelligent
people and the affection of children,
to leave the world a better place,
to know even one life has
to leave the world a better place,
to know even one life has
breathed easier because you have lived,
this is to have succeeded.
this is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

As soon as it begins, take control of your day. Decide in detail what you intend to do and commit to making it happen.
If you sit around and wait for events and circumstances to pull you along, you'll end up getting nothing accomplished. If you have no firm and resolute plans, you'll waste all your time on meaningless distractions and interruptions.
If you sit around and wait for events and circumstances to pull you along, you'll end up getting nothing accomplished. If you have no firm and resolute plans, you'll waste all your time on meaningless distractions and interruptions.
Certainly unexpected situations will come up that require your response. Yet you can choose to respond from a position of power and control, rather than from a position of weakness and ineffectiveness.
Decide what you will do with this day, and get busy doing it. Make a difference, establish a positive momentum, and get your goals accomplished.
Time is here, right now, for you to use. Transform the passing time into lasting value by making effective use of it.
This day is filled with great possibilities. Choose certain, specific ones, and make the effort that will make them happen.
Ralph Marston

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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