How Winners Think
by Jane Powell
“When you try something new, you have little to lose and much to gain.”
Of course success is never guaranteed, but that does not mean you should not try. Take comfort in knowing that even if you fail you are still gaining life experiences and making deposits into your bank of wisdom. You really have lost nothing in your pursuit. You have come out smarter, wiser and more prepared for your next challenge.
Arise to your next challenge. If you find yourself thinking, “What if I fail?” try turning that question around. Instead, ask yourself, “What if I succeed?” That’s how winners think!
By its very nature, life is dynamic. That makes it impossible to truly stand still.
If you're not moving forward, you're falling behind. So every day, in some way or another, take action to move your life forward.

Did you know that the gestation period for an elephant is 22 months?
And then, she will give birth to a bundle of joy that weighs 150-250
Pounds. If you're pregnant and sick of feeling like an elephant, at
You aren't one.
Growth takes time. That is true of humans as well as elephants. I
Attended a parent-teacher conference for my second-grade son. We sat
In the children's chairs. They were about two feet tall and certainly
Not made for adults. Those chairs were designed for little people.
Growth is a slow process, but as we grow up, we outgrow the little
We grow physically and we grow in other ways, too. We grow in our
Roles and relationships. I occasionally asked my adolescent kids, "How
Do you think you're doing raising your parents?" I understood I would
Become a better parent as I grew into that role.
Sometimes growth in parenting involves the understanding that we don't
Know as much as we thought we did. Before my wife and I had children
We taught parenting classes. We knew all of the fundamentals of
Raising happy and well-behaved children. Now, after raising my own
Children, I am sometimes asked about parenting issues. This often
Occurs when I am teaching a class on a different topic. My response
These days is to turn to the group and ask, "Does anyone here have any
As I've grown older, I have come to see more clearly just how much
More I need to grow. I realize that simple answers do not fit every
Situation ...or every child. I am throwing out the easy answers and
Learning to assess every parenting issue individually. I try to learn
From my failures, to trust my instincts and to respond more often from
My best self.
I have come a long way, but have a long way yet to grow. And that is
True of every area of my life.
If you're not yet the person you want to be, can you be patient as you
Grow? It takes the elephant 22 months to give birth. Even the
Mightiest tree begins as a frail seed.
Be patient. You can go through life or you can grow through life.
Steve Goodier
Did you know that the gestation period for an elephant is 22 months?
And then, she will give birth to a bundle of joy that weighs 150-250
Pounds. If you're pregnant and sick of feeling like an elephant, at
You aren't one.
Growth takes time. That is true of humans as well as elephants. I
Attended a parent-teacher conference for my second-grade son. We sat
In the children's chairs. They were about two feet tall and certainly
Not made for adults. Those chairs were designed for little people.
Growth is a slow process, but as we grow up, we outgrow the little
We grow physically and we grow in other ways, too. We grow in our
Roles and relationships. I occasionally asked my adolescent kids, "How
Do you think you're doing raising your parents?" I understood I would
Become a better parent as I grew into that role.
Sometimes growth in parenting involves the understanding that we don't
Know as much as we thought we did. Before my wife and I had children
We taught parenting classes. We knew all of the fundamentals of
Raising happy and well-behaved children. Now, after raising my own
Children, I am sometimes asked about parenting issues. This often
Occurs when I am teaching a class on a different topic. My response
These days is to turn to the group and ask, "Does anyone here have any
As I've grown older, I have come to see more clearly just how much
More I need to grow. I realize that simple answers do not fit every
Situation ...or every child. I am throwing out the easy answers and
Learning to assess every parenting issue individually. I try to learn
From my failures, to trust my instincts and to respond more often from
My best self.
I have come a long way, but have a long way yet to grow. And that is
True of every area of my life.
If you're not yet the person you want to be, can you be patient as you
Grow? It takes the elephant 22 months to give birth. Even the
Mightiest tree begins as a frail seed.
Be patient. You can go through life or you can grow through life.
Steve Goodier

By its very nature, life is dynamic. That makes it impossible to truly stand still.
If you're not moving forward, you're falling behind. So every day, in some way or another, take action to move your life forward.
Just a small improvement, just a subtle positive step, is infinitely preferable to doing nothing. Always, there is some little something you can do to better your life and your world.
What can you do right now to solve a problem that's been frustrating you? What step can you take in the next few minutes that will bring you closer to the accomplishment of an important goal?
There is something you can do, and those small efforts quickly add up as time goes on. So instead of complaining that you can't get it all accomplished at once, do a little bit, and then do it again.
Always, your life is filled with energy, and is moving in one direction or another. Harness that energy, align it with your highest purpose, and proceed constantly in the direction of your dreams.
Ralph Marston
" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
Created, and maintained by:Dizzyrizzy@comcast.net GrandmaGail2BC@aol.com
Copyright © 1996 -2010
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
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