Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You’re not alone in the journey of life


“You’re not alone in the journey of life.”
There’s not a person in the world that hasn’t had to struggle or overcome difficulties. We all face challenges and adversity. When the struggle seems too long or too hard, remember, you’re not alone.
At this very moment, you may face money difficulties, health problems, career challenges, or conflicts with children, partners or family. It’s all part of life! And, many other women face the same issues every day. When we recognize that obstacles are part of our journey, when we recall that those we admire also carry similar burdens, it is easier to keep on going.
Tap into the strength that comes from knowing others experience what you experience. Stay strong by recognizing that you are one of millions who do their best to handle challenges, every day.
Don’t let difficulties stop you and never give up. Instead, think of them as milestones that, once passed, will bring you closer to your goals.
Remember, everyone struggles as they walks along the road of life. But, so many heroic women are on this same journey that no one walks alone.
©Jane Powell


promises destroy relationships
You make commitments to others and yourself all the time. The question is: Do you keep them? If you said you’re going to do something, do it! When you fail to keep a promise, it tells others that you don’t value their time or relationship. Don’t over-promise; under-promise and over-deliver on everything you do. And a few words to the wise: Never make a big decision when you’re angry, and never make a big promise when you’re overjoyed. 


Get up and do
There are a thousand ways you can talk yourself out of taking action. Yet there is just one way to truly move forward, and that is to go ahead and take action.
It’s great to be smart, informed, and thoughtful. It’s not that great to think things through so much and to second-guess yourself so much that you never get anything done.
You can find plenty of ways to justify your procrastination. Yet even if it’s perfectly reasonable and understandable, it’s still procrastination.
The secret to moving forward is not found in some clever technique. The secret to moving forward is to get up and go, get up and do, get up and create value.
Be smart, but don’t be so focused on being smart that you fail to put your wisdom and intelligence to good, productive use. Be smart, and then act smart, and follow through on your brilliant thinking.
Instead of just thinking about it and eventually letting the thought die, get up and do it. Put your thoughts into action and transform them into solid, lasting value.
 Ralph Marston


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